Missing: Conservative or Libertarian Podcaster

I used to get excited each week to listen to Steven Crowder on my way to and from my job. When he was banned on YouTube, I listened to him on Rumble. Then, on Fridays, I’d catch up on a week’s worth of Ben Shapiro while I was working at a different job.

There was a falling out at the start of the new year, and I’ve just had no patience for it. I see both sides of it, and now I’m just bitter. Steven Crowder received an offer for $50 million to make shows for Daily Wire (Ben Shapiro and others), for the next four years. However, he loses money if his show gets demonetized on platforms. Daily Wire’s argument is if he’s not getting money from ad revenue, he shouldn’t get paid, and to some extent, that is true. Steven Crowder’s argument is that he shouldn’t sign a contract based on the whims of YouTube or other platforms where he will have to speak carefully. That is true, too.

Steven Crowder claims he has a better way to make money. Great. Then don’t sign the contract, end of discussion. Instead, he isn’t producing any videos or podcasts now, didn’t sign the contract and made a big hoopla about it. To some extent, I understand now wanting to sign the contract.

All of this had led to some depression. We have no voice at this point. I knew things would get ugly coming into the next election with Trump vs. DeSantis, but I felt like there was still a voice among the conservative and libertarian movement. As it turns out, there isn’t. Instead of having a few figureheads that can disagree and have civilized debates among the finer points of the movement, we have infighting. Meanwhile, the statist are more consistent in their arguments. Even if they are immoral, they have less infighting and they are gaining ground. At this point, I think even Biden could honestly beat either candidate, or both if they ran together.

I may just rip up my ballet when I receive it. None of this matters anyhow. I fear the Republic is lost. Maybe Ben Shapiro and Steven Crowder aren’t to blame, but they did give me some false hopes.

Thank you for reading my post.

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