Founded on Slavery

I haven’t had the patience to write in this blog for a long time, and I probably still don’t have it.

I keep hearing folks, with all the discussions about Critical Race Theory and such, talk about the United States as being founded on slavery.

I wanted to point out a little detail about the civil war and the events that led up to the war. While the Civil War was over slavery, there was also a major difference in lifestyles in the north and the south. The south was still agricultural, and the north had become quite industrialized. When the two sides went to war, who had the better supply lines? Who had steel, rifle works, textile mills, machine tools and so on?

Slavery was on the way out. As unfortunate as it was in our history to have kept such a practice, machines always beat slavery. In the end, industrialization did more to end slavery than any politician, war, or speech.

To pretend that everything you have, you owe to some slave is absurd. More realistically, go find an inventor, a factory manager, or the biggest piece of automation equipment you can find, and pay your thanks to it. Industrialization, electrification, automation and the ones who make it happen are what will eventually end slavery worldwide.

Thank you for reading my post.

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