Posts Tagged ‘vaccines’


July 8, 2021

Apparently, former Vice President, Mr. Biden, thinks that if only he can send people door-to-door, everyone will sign up for the vaccine.

Having dated a census-worker, let me tell you how well that is going to work out. Hint- it’s not. With the census, most people know it is coming, have either completed it, will complete it on the spot, or were never going to complete it in the first place.

I almost feel bad for those going door-to-door. They are going to get an ear full.

At this point, nobody is avoiding vaccination because they haven’t heard about it, or because they aren’t “educated” on it. They are refusing to get it, for similar reasons to why I’m not getting it. Me, I’m simply not playing. Everything about COVID looks like BS, smells like BS, so it’s probably BS. I have ranted about it enough, so with the vaccine, I’m simply not participating in BS. I’m not worried about COVID, and I’m not pretending I am worried, just to play along.

For those who really don’t trust the government at all, who think the vaccine is a government ploy, or that it is a conspiracy or a 5G activated mind control game, do you really think that sending government employees to their house to say, “No, it’s okay. It’s not like that,” is going to convince anybody of anything?

I’ll probably not answer the door. If I do, I’ll ask them to leave my property, perhaps while wearing my sidearm.

Thank you for reading my post.

Vaccines and Border Security

May 14, 2019

On one hand, the statists want the borders wide open.  Okay, as a Libertarian, I am almost okay with that.  I’ve said before, take away the incentive to come to this country and do nothing, and we’ll have plenty of jobs for people to work.

On the other hand, the statists want to demand that everyone is vaccinated.  I’m torn on vaccinations themselves (personally, I am vaccinated) but something is inconsistent here.

The statists want the borders open, no questions asked, for immigrants coming into this country.  Do they intend to check their vaccination records, or is that off-limits?  If so, then why do they want to require it of all US citizens, but not those coming into the country?

If the vaccines worked 100% of the time, it wouldn’t matter who came across the border with what, or which parents opted out of vaccines.  Obviously, they don’t work 100% of the time, and not many things are perfect anyhow.

Then, the question I have:  if the vaccines don’t work 100% of the time (true), rare disease are making a comeback (true), then are the outbreaks of these diseases the results of a few unvaccinated people in a sea of vaccinated people, or are they a result of unchecked immigration, where people are coming from areas with large populations of unvaccinated people?

I’m just wondering if blaming Karen, the “natural therapy” hippie is really the person to blame, or whether she is merely a scapegoat for a much bigger problem.  Is it just easier to hate a handful of middle-class white women in the suburbs than it is to address immigration?

Just a random thought.

Thank you for reading my post.

The Trouble with the Vaccine Debate

April 28, 2019

I’m not here to talk about whether vaccines work or not, or cause autism or not.  I think there is a lot of moving parts to this problem that need to be addressed, and perhaps I will look at this in another post.

The question to ask is whether or not vaccines should be mandatory.  Then, the question to ask is, “does the government have the power to force me to undergo a medical procedure?”

It’s actually a tricky question.

The argument for required vaccines is that they generally prevent the spread of the disease, with very few side effects.  Therefore, everyone should get them because it is beneficial to everyone (minus a few).

Under this argument, you must accept the premise that it is okay as long as it “does the greatest good for the greatest number,” and hope you aren’t in the latter category.  If you are, tough luck, you have to do it anyhow, sacrificing yourself (or your child) to the “greater good.”

If there was ever a more socialist principle, I’m not sure what it could be.

It sets a dangerous precedent.  You are literally saying that the government can tell you what to do with your body, by forcing you to undergo a medical procedure.  This means that, even if this one prevents the spread of the disease, you have already admitted that your body is merely state property, and they can do as they see fit.

For years, the abortionists argued that the government could not prevent them from DOING a medical procedure to their body, as it was “her body, her choice.”  Why, then, is it okay to then reverse this and say that the government can force you to undergo a medical procedure which you do not wish to undergo?

The flip-side is that vaccines are more often done for babies, who have no say in this decision either way.  Instead, a parent must choose for the baby.  Then, the new question becomes, “can a parent withhold a medical treatment from a child?”

If you say, “yes,” then children can be left unvaccinated.  They can also be left without cancer treatment, or abandoned when they fall off their bike and need stitches or bones set.  The latter is generally considered a form of child abuse.

What then, is the answer?

This is why we have courts.  A lawyer must be able to convince a jury that you intentionally acted against a child’s best interest to prove abuse.  I would think the vaccine debate would be thin, at best.  For the cancer treatment or allowing a child to bleed out from a cut would be a very easy case to prove.

This is also why we have a social network.  While it may be immoral to force someone to undergo a specific medical procedure, it is not illegal to ask if they have done it, or to require people to have them to enter your business (in a moral world).  If you are concerned about your child playing around unvaccinated children, you can forbid them from entering your home or business.

Thank you for reading my post.

Vaccines- Don’t Decide by Watching the News

December 1, 2013

This was a post is in response to this article about polio. Vaccination- or any health procedure- should not be dictated by the government.

I’m not necessarily opposed to vaccines (we didn’t vaccinate our mildly autistic child), but all of these arguments are invalid:

1. I wasn’t sure who Jenny McCarthy is. I wondered ed if she was some doctor. Had to look her up. Had nothing to do with our decision. What is offensive about this statement is the assumption that the only source of information anti-vax people use is an actress. It would be like saying, “Everyone who voted for Obama did so because Billy Joe of Green Day said to”. It discredits the research done by each person.

2. Being part of the anti-vax crowd, very few people actually believe that autism is CAUSED by vaccines, but treat them as a complicating factor. Because there are so many complicating factors (diet, environmental toxins, antibiotics, etc.) eliminating one of them can help.

3. Saying “I was vaccinated and I didn’t get autism” is like saying, “Grandpa smoked for 80 years and didn’t get lung cancer.” Same with saying “I wasn’t vaccinated and I didn’t get polio.” Well written medical articles discuss things in terms of “correlation between x and y” and then most news articles, such as this say, “If you do this, you are killing everyone.”
It is hype.

4. Simply saying the “problem is too complex” is a cop out. Yes, it’s complex. No, we don’t understand it completely. If something is working to prevent an immediate problem, you can worry about other problems later on. Autism is better than living in an iron lung, which is better than dying. Now that polio is reduced, we can look into improving the vaccines and finding what other correlations and causations are out there. Likely the autism rate is rising because children aren’t dying of diseases or or farming accidents. Vaccines aren’t inherently bad, but we should be working to constantly improve them and evaluate each one as an individual product, rather than ‘having your shots’ as a lump sum, good or evil.

The only argument I agree with:
1. Correlation does not indicate causation- Yay, someone gets this. Let’s apply this to other commonly used graphs showing correlation where we are supposed to believe causation without a doubt. In other words, every graph you see in an article like this one.

Admittedly, I am no expert in this. I deferred the vaccination decision to my girlfriend. I just hate articles like this that try to make every anti-vaccination person out to be an unintelligent nut-bag.

My understanding is that current research shows that it is not mercury as such. Most autistic children have a yeast (candida something or another) overgrowth in their intestinal walls. This is obvious to anyone who has ever had to change a diaper on an autistic child. The yeast helps keep heavy metals in the system. This has been shown over and over based on studies of the yeast and the fact that children with autism often show LOWER heavy metal concentrations in fingernail and hair tests (meaning their bodies are not getting rid of the heavy metals in a normal fashion). Interestingly enough, the plaque found in the brain tissue of Alzheimer’s patients has been found to attack candida as well. Could it be that these plaques were an inappropriate reaction to a yeast overgrowth? Could they be linked to autism? Maybe. That’s where current research is, at least in my understanding.

What can be done about it? Attack the problem from several angles:

1. Diet. Yeast needs sugar to live. Cut the sugar, kill the yeast. Also, different foods can generate allergic responses that promote yeast growth. When we first tested my son, he was allergic to 66 foods. Also, your yeast profile can influence your allergies in a complex positive feedback loop- yeast controls allergies, and allergies have control on yeast growth.

2. Probiotics. Your body produces ways to keep the yeast in check. Except most of us have antibiotics at every sickness. Antibiotics are great, and have their place. But they do kill the cells that control the yeast- and my understanding is that the yeast is largely unaffected by the antibiotics Supplementing probiotics can help.

3. Limit heavy metals by avoiding exposure and using various elimination methods.

As far as your own life, statistically speaking (correlation), your kids are much more likely to die by suicide than by contracting polio. They are more likely to be severely injured playing sports than polio. And we are all more likely to die of obesity related illnesses than polio, even when polio was at its peak.

Parents of autistic children are used to hearing people sounding the “bad parent” alarm. Until the mid-90s, autism was thought to be an emotional disorder (in spite of the numerous physical symptoms) caused by “cold” parents.

These articles are charged in such a way to direct anger at the small percentage of parents who choose not to vaccinate their children. These articles want to call all anti-vax parents bad parents, and some even advocate having our children placed under state care.

Don’t be surprised when we simply yawn at those accusations.